
Sometimes I forget good words.

Term Meaning
Allemannsretten The right to roam. Everyone is allowed on all land under certain circumstances.
Autoantonym A word or phrase which means one thing and also its opposite.
Avaunt Forward, away.
Baby talk Humoring the baby.
Bon mot The exact, appropriate word.
Bonhomie Good humor.
Bootlicker A person who behaves in a servile or obsequious manner.
Brandolini's law Every sentence of bullshit requires a paragraph of reason to debunk.
Bread and games Superficial appeasements.
Bulverism Assuming your opponent is wrong and working backwards from there to determine how they're wrong using circular logic.
Crikey Corruption of “christ kill me.”
Crypto-fascism Obfuscated fascism.
De facto In actuality.
De jure By right.
Deep-six Eliminate.
Defamiliarization The artistic technique of presenting to audiences common things in an unfamiliar or strange way in order to enhance perception of the familiar.
Delta Get out.
Deontology A theory that suggests actions are good or bad according to a clear set of rules.
Depersonalization Depersonalization can consist of a detachment within the self, regarding one's mind or body, or being a detached observer of oneself.
Detente The easing of hostilities.
Diegetic Details about the world itself and the experiences of its characters are revealed explicitly through narrative.
Dudgeon A fit or state of indignation – often used in the phrase “in high dudgeon.”
Duende A quality of passion and inspiration.
Déformation professionnelle Viewing things through the lens of a profession.
Epistemology Theory of knowledge with regard to its validity.
Exogenous Relating to or developing from external factors.
Extrinsic inducement Bizarre faith that people cannot be motivated by the task itself but need external compensations for doing so. It is told some people give cash to children who read a book. Some pay them in slices of pizza. Everything is a job.
Failson Middle- or upper-class man who is incompetent but has a financial safety net.
Fait accompli A foregone conclusion.
Filial Piety When a person is a sycophant for their relations.
Flaneur Saunterer.
Flibbertigibbet A frivolous, flighty, or excessively talkative person.
FYIGM Fuck you, I got mine.
Gendarme Armed police.
Germane Relevant.
HIWTYL Heads I win, tails you lose.
Hypergraphia Obsession with writing or drawing.
Impolitic Failing to possess or display prudence; unwise.
Inculcate To instill by repetition.
Intertwingled A portmanteau of “intertwined” and “intermingled.”
Invisible Hand Supposed unintentional social benefits of self-interested actions.
Jamais vu A French borrowing meaning "never seen", refers to the phenomenon of experiencing a situation that one recognizes in some fashion, but nonetheless seems very unfamiliar.
Jejune Naive, simplistic, superficial.
Ken n. one's range of knowledge or sight / v. know
Knoll To arrange objects in parallel or 90º angles.
Kompromat Compromising material.
L'appel du vide The call of the void.
Malefactor Someone who causes problems on purpose.
Marketing Weaponized FOMO.
MECE Mutually exclusive, cumulatively exhaustive.
Memetic warfare Platform weaponization using memes.
Microcelebrity One who gains a cult or mainstream following due to viral internet distribution.
Milieu A person’s social environment.
Missing stair A metaphor for a person within a social group who many people know is untrustworthy or otherwise has to be “managed.”
Mu A monk asked Joshu, “Does a dog have the Buddha nature?” Joshu retorted, “Mu!”
Negative capability The willingness to embrace uncertainty, live with mystery, and make peace with ambiguity.
Neoliberal Capitalist.
Noblesse oblige The inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged.
Normative What academics say when they mean “normal.”
OODA loop Observe, orient, decide, act.
Opportunist Someone who doesn’t take sides because they’re waiting to see who comes out on top.
Outrage porn Media designed to drive traffic based on outrage.
Panoply A complete or impressive collection of things.
Pareidolia Sensing a pattern where there isn’t one.
Pascal‘s Mugging Some very unlikely outcomes may have very great utilities, and these utilities can grow faster than the probability diminishes. Hence the agent should focus more on vastly improbable cases with implausibly high rewards; this leads first to counter-intuitive choices, and then to incoherence as the utility of every choice becomes unbounded.
PDQ Pretty Damned Quick.
Pfui German (original) “phooey.”
Peremptory Insisting on immediate attention or obedience.
Perfectionism Imposter syndrome but for one’s labors.
Performative Done in order to create an impression.
Perseverance porn Painting status quo resilience as heroism.
Petite bourgeoisie People who aspire to join the ruling class, see Bootlickers.
Pettifogging Placing undue emphasis on petty details.
Phenomenology Study of subjects regarded as subjective through objective lenses.
Platform weaponization A form or type of information warfare and psychological warfare involving the unaccounted for potential or actual actions that result in outside agents (Physical or digital in nature) leveraging a technology platform to serve ends that run counter to those of the intended use for the system.
Positive reinforcement Process by which we communicate to the child “whatever you just did is not worth doing if not for the reward, the tender word or gesture. Synonym: manipulation.”
Premium mediocre Mediocre with just an irrelevant touch of premium, not enough to ruin the delicious essential mediocrity.
Preux Chivalrous, gallant.
Procrustean Used to describe situations where an arbitrary standard is used to measure success, while completely disregarding obvious harm that results from the effort.
Psychohistory The study of the psychological motivations of historical events.
Psychometric A field of study concerned with the theory and technique of psychological measurement.
Race to the Bottom The repeated sacrifice of quality in pursuit of competitive pricing.
Rote Learning by doing as opposed to understanding.
Rubato Rhythmic flexibility within a phrase or measure; a relaxation of strict time.
Saber rattling Being threatening with the intention of inciting terror.
Samizdat Copying and distributing banned materials.
Sangfroid Self-possession or imperturbability especially under strain.
Savoir Faire The ability to act according to the situation at hand.
Schelling point A solution people gravitate to because it seems natural, special, or relevant.
School-to-prison pipeline The disproportionate tendency of minors and young adults from disadvantaged backgrounds to become incarcerated, because of increasingly harsh school and municipal policies.
Schrodinger’s douchebag If my actions have consequences, I was just kidding.
Seidr Magic related to seeing and shaping the future.
Skosh A small amount.
Strewth Corruption of “god’s truth.”
Synecdoche A figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole, as in Chicago being short for Chicago Bears.
Taxonomic Concerned with classification.
Telos Ultimate objective.
Virtue signaling Performative behavior with the intention of demonstrating moral correctness.
Witchhunter One who practices prejudice through bulverism.
Zounds Corruption of “god’s wounds.”
Zugzwang When any move worsens your position, but you must make a move.
ĉu ne? Isn’t it so? in Esperanto.